2021 Article: “Sanatta BoÅŸluk YokluÄŸu ve Asalaklık” (“The Absence of Space in Art and the Parasitism”)
Multidisciplinary Debates on Aesthetics, SANART
2020 Article: “SessizliÄŸin Potansiyeli" ("The Potential of Silence")
DüÅŸünbil Journal, 93, July 2020
2019 Published Paper: “The Emergence of Change Through Embracing Freedom: Agent Art”
IAFOR The 7th European Conference on Arts & Humanities: Reclaiming the Future. Brighton, UK​
2019 Article: “Devrimin DeÄŸiÅŸim Fantazisine Karşı Ajansal Sanat”
("Agent Art Versus Revolution's Fantasy of Change”)
Dört Öge Journal, 15, June 2019
2019 Presented Paper (Will be published): “Sanatta Boşluk Yokluğu ve Asalaklık”
("The Absence of Space in Art and The Parasitism")
SANART 3rd Turkish Aesthetics Congress, METU, Ankara
2016 Article: “Toplumsal GerçekliÄŸin Güncel Sanatta Yeniden Üretimi”
("The Re-production of Social Reality in Contemporary Art")
Hacettepe University Sanat Yazıları Journal, 34, May 2016
2016 Article: “Sanat, Ne Ä°deolojiler Sevdi, Zaten Yoktular” ("Art, Loved So Many Ideologies That Were Already Lacking")
Gazi University, Akademik Sanat Journal,1, Winter 2016
2016 Book Chapter: “Agent Art vs. Resistance to Freedom”
Revolt And Revolution: The Protester In the 21st Century, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford
2015 Article: “Öznenin ‘Ben’ Ä°nÅŸasının Güncel Sanat Örnekleri Üzerinden Analizi”
("The Analysis of 'I' Construction of the Subjects Through Contemporary Art Works")
Atatürk University Sanat Journal, 28, 2015
2015 Published Paper: “GerçekliÄŸin Kimlik Kurgusuna Ajansal Sanat GiriÅŸimi”
("The Intervention of Agent Art on the Identity Construction of Reality")
International Art Symposium: Art, Reality and Paradox, Bodrum
2014 Presented Paper: "Agent Art vs. Resistance to Freedom"
2nd Global Revolt and Revolution Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
2014 Book: HiçliÄŸin ÖzgürlüÄŸü: Ajansal Sanat (Freedom of Nothingness: Agent Art)
Ayrıntı Publishing
2012 Article: "AKP’nin Temel ÇeliÅŸkisi: Muhafazakâr mı, Özgürlükçü mü?"
("The Fundamental Contradiction of AKP: Conservative or Liberal?")
Hacıbektaş Journal, March-April (Publication of The Hacıbektaş and Institutions of Higher Education Aid Society)
2010 Article: "Kurgusal GerçeÄŸin Performansı" (“The Performance of Fictional Reality”)
2nd Çanakkale Biennial Bulletin
2010 Article: "Günümüzde Sanatçının Sanatsal ve Ä°deolojik Tavrı" ("Artist’s Artistic and Ideological Stance Today")
Online art journal
2008 Article: "Cemevlerinin Temsiliyeti Üzerine" ("The Representation of Cem Houses")
Hacıbektaş Journal, March-April
2007 Article: "‘Alevi BaÄŸdaÅŸtırmacılığının OluÅŸumu’ Tezinin Çıkarımı"
("Conclusion of 'The Formation of Alevi Syncretism' Thesis”)
Hacıbektaş Journal, January-February
2005 Article: "The Representation of Alevis in Turkish Cinema"
Hacıbektaş Journal, November-December